Monday, January 11, 2010

Green Briefs - Alternative Fabric Softeners

Reduce your laundry costs by cutting out the liquid fabric softeners and dryer sheets.  Not only are these products harmful to the environment - adding chemicals to the watershed and non-biodegradable waste to the landfills - they can be easily replaced with other methods.

If the weather allows, line-drying your laundry outdoors gets rid of static and helps your clothes smell fresh naturally instead of using synthetic fragrances.

Try putting half a cup of white vinegar in the fabric softener tray of your washer instead of the pink stuff.  Vinegar is a natural fabric softener, and - despite what you might think - won't leave your clothes smelling like pickles!  (Just be sure you don't use bleach at the same time - the combination will produce toxic fumes.)

Fluff your laundry with re-usable dryer balls like the ones found here.  They increase the air flow around your clothes, helping them to dry faster as well.

If none of these solutions appeal to you and you still want to use dryer sheets or fabric softeners, look for biodegradable sheets or plant-based softeners like these and these from Mrs. Meyers.

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