Manifesto of a Green Girl

I believe that a Sustainable Lifestyle is possible for everyone.
Granted, there are many shades of green.  Some people are going to be willing and able to take it as far as it can go, and some are only going to do the bare minimum they can get away with to be socially acceptable.  
To me, it’s not a competition.  It’s not about who’s doing more or cares more about the environment.  It’s about doing what you can to ensure that the world goes on, that future generations aren’t scraping by with no natural resources, dealing with the trash and nastiness we left for them, still struggling to overcome the same problems that we struggled with.  It’s about conserving the wild places, leaving some part of this planet whole and untouched.  It’s about being healthy, being self-reliant, and co-existing with nature.
But I think most importantly, it’s about educating people, young and old, on the importance of consuming less, and living more.
The “Three R’s” are still viable and important.  Reducing what we consume and the amount of waste we produce.  Reusing what we can, as many times as we can, as part of reducing.  And of course, recycling the rest.  Our trash does not get thrown “away” - there is no such thing as “away.”  It goes somewhere, and eventually that somewhere will be too close for comfort.  
I won’t talk much about global warming or climate change - to me, there are much better reasons to live sustainably than carbon footprints.  Alternative fuels, renewable energy, and reducing pollution are all extremely important, but the simple goal of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels is better than any politically-driven scare tactic.
Any recommendation I might make for a product, organization, or business is based solely on my opinion and personal experience.  I do not receive any compensation for reviews, and if in the future I do, I will note this in the article.
I strive to maintain a fair, balanced, and non-critical environs.  Comments will be moderated at my discretion.  Rude, argumentative, threatening, or otherwise unpleasant comments will be discarded, and multiple offenses will see the user blocked from commenting.  I do not expect everyone to agree with my opinions, and rational discourse is absolutely encouraged, however irrational screaming trolls will get what they deserve.